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Actelion: Orphan disease PAH – unheard of yesterday, in the news today

In 2005, PAH was an unknown indication, even within the groups of medical specialists confronted with the disease. In 2002, Actelion introduced a new class of substance – an oral dual endothelin receptor antagonist – that substantially improved the prognosis for patients affected by the disease. The quality of Actelion’s endothelin receptor antagonist was and is supported by Actelion with the help of clinical trials whose design and implementation has benchmark character. This clinical quality can also be found in open access medical education on a high-quality level (offline and online, see my-cme.de). Today PAH is no longer “rare” in the medical press, but is a, or perhaps “THE” standard orphan disease. But thanks to these activities, the lay press has also become aware of the topic “pulmonary hypertension”. There have been numerous reports describing the rare disease PAH – which is treatable today, even if it can’t be healed. By now there are several competitors on the market, but this hasn’t impacted Actelion’s market leadership. It’s precisely this stiff competition surrounding the best-validated PAH treatment which continues to give CGC a solid foundation on which to base their PR activities for Actelion.