Repha: OTC-Benchmark-PR
2004 represented a break for many OTC drugs in Germany, because their reimbursement by health insurance companies was cut back almost entirely. In 2004, ANGOCIN Anti-Infekt N had already been on the market for almost 50 years. ANGOCIN has regulatory approval for two indications – that doesn’t necessarily make targeted communications easier. The result of the PR analysis: old OTC, with apparently unspectacular ingredients, clearly outplayed in its advertising appeal by seemingly omnipotent competitors in the cold remedy market alone. But there was a glimmer of hope: The product works. And this fact was supported by several recent studies. In a classical antibiogram, Angocin’s ingredients, isothiocyants, proved their effectiveness. AND this effect was corroborated in current studies with patients. But CGC with its scientific-medical background recognized these facts very quickly – enthusiastically – and rigorously translated them into messages for the relevant target groups. Today ANGOCIN is seen as a benchmark case study in the phyto-OTC-market, because it is successful against the market trend. This is based on a clear focus on PR as the number one communications tool. An essential component of this success is that Repha and CGC put enormous trust in one another and share tasks. It is precisely this long-term PR approach that has enabled ANGOCIN to show above average sustainable growth since 2005.